Different Names

Breadfruit (English)

ʻUlu (Hawaiian, Samoan)

Mai (Chuukese)

Rimas (Tagalog)

‘Ulu has always been a sustainable island food. A tree can live for 50 to 100 years or more. ʻUlu is one of Hawai‘i original food crops. An ʻUlu tree can produce hundreds to a thousand pounds of fruits annually.

During ʻUlu season at Roots, customers line up as early as 6:30 am to wait for us to open. Customers purchase ʻUlu to ferment and save to eat later in the year when ʻUlu is not in season. Many Chuukese customers buy ʻUlu in bulk to make Kón, a cultural dish that is pounded ʻUlu.